
Info Agency


12 Weeks


We can outsource / outstaff your marketing unit

  • Info Agency


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    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


  • Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


    Info Agency


you can count on us


Our client, a prominent information agency, faced difficulties in effectively understanding and engaging their diverse customer base. Their existing marketing strategies were not yielding the desired results, leading to inefficiencies in targeting and customer relationship management. The challenge was to revamp their marketing approach with a keen focus on a structured Know Your Customer (KYC) strategy.


The primary goal was to outstaff a dedicated marketing unit that could rejuvenate the client's approach to customer engagement. This involved implementing an innovative KYC strategy to gain deeper insights into customer behaviors, preferences, and needs. The aim was to enhance personalized marketing efforts, improve customer satisfaction, and ultimately drive business growth.


Our comprehensive solution included the following steps: 1) Assembling a Skilled Marketing Team - Outstaffing a team of marketing experts specialized in data analysis, customer profiling, and personalized marketing strategies 2) Developing a Structured KYC Framework - Implementing advanced data gathering and analysis techniques to build detailed customer profiles 3) Personalized Marketing Strategies- Utilizing the insights gained from the KYC process to craft targeted marketing campaigns, tailored to individual customer needs and preferences 4) Technology Integration - Incorporating cutting-edge marketing technologies to streamline data collection and analysis processes, enhancing the effectiveness of the KYC strategy 5) Continuous Training and Development - Providing ongoing training to the outstaffed marketing team to keep them abreast of the latest trends and techniques in customer engagement and data analysis 6) Performance Monitoring and Feedback Loop - Establishing robust mechanisms for monitoring the performance of marketing campaigns and continuously refining the KYC strategy based on customer feedback and market trends

  • Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


Let’s grow jointly

  • Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


Let’s grow jointly

  • Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


    Let's Work Together


Let’s grow jointly